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I am currently an Assistant Professor in the Psychology Department at MacEwan University. You can discover more about my academic and teaching interests in the other pages on my site.

My Interests and Hobbies

​I am heavily involved with youth science fairs at the local, regional, and national level. I am currently the Vice-president and Awards Chair for the Edmonton Regional Science Fair (ERSF). I take great joy from being able to mentor and be an example to the next generation of great science minds in this country. 

For non-science related fun I participate in a weekly 5-pin bowling league (Tuesday Niters). I also try to get out to the mountains a few times a year to practice not breaking my face while riding my snowboard. I have also been known to engage in some rousing matches of tactics darts as part of a tactics dart league, a member of the UofA Corporate Challenge dart team (three-time defending gold medalists!), and now mostly for fun.

I can be contacted at:



Stress & Stress Resilience

2009 - 2014

PhD - University of Alberta

Sex and Violence Lab under the direction of

Dr. Pete Hurd.

Brain Lateralization

Effective Teaching Practices in Higher Education

Happiness & Positive Psychology

2006 - 2009

MSc - University of Alberta

Songbird Neuroethology Lab under the direction of Dr. Chris Sturdy.

2002 - 2006

BSc - University of Windsor

Major: Behaviour, Cognition, and Neuroscience (BCN)

Minor: Biochemistry

Honours project completed in the Aquatic Ecology Lab under the direction of Dr. Lynda Corkum.

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